SitStayFetch : Secrets To Dog Training
To Solve Your Dog's Behavior Problems!
SitStayFetch : Secrets To Dog Training - Your Best Dog Training Book And Complete Guide For Training Puppies To Adult Dogs!
Review Ratings:
This hugely popular bestseller is one of the best dog training guide that you will ever need to HELP you have a well behaved and well trained dog! Backed by many real life case studies, SitStayFetch: Secrets To Dog Training gives simple, tried and proven dog training programs to help you deal with a huge variety of dog problems, such as:
- Aggression
- Biting, mouthing and nipping
- Poop eating or Coprophagia
- Chewing
- Digging
- Disobedience
- Shyness
- Off-leash problems
- Jealousy
- Dogs rivarlies
- Excessive barking
- Travel problems
- Having more than one dog in the house
- Bad breath
- Cat and car chasing
- Hot weather and heatstroke
- Jumping on furniture and people
- Separation anxiety
- A death in the family
Jam-packed with useful and practical information, including over 100 exclusive photos, the training techniques are also non-physical and teaches dog owners how to understand and communicate with their dogs effectively. Included within to help you further are also topics on:
- Selecting, buying and raising a puppy or older dog
- The best ways to care for your dog
- The advantages and disadvantages of all the training methods
- How to understand your dog through body language, facial expressions and the impact of wolf instincts
- How to train your dog virtually any command and tricks including Come, Hold, Leave, Seek, Beg, Catch, Crawl, and even climb ladders!
- The best methods to train your dog, including the latest thing in dog training – dog whispering!
Plus Training Commands and Tricks Explained in SitStayFetch:
- Come (Recall)
- Roll Over
- Okay and No
- Hold and Leave
- Basic Seek
- Advanced Seek (Find)
- Sit and Stay
- Advanced Sit and Stay
- Beg
- Down (Drop)
- Fetch (Retrieve)
- Heel Stage 1 - 3
- Catch
- Hand Shake
- Climb
- Stand
- Crawl
- Wait
- Jump
In addition to this best dog training book package also includes 7 bonuseswhen you get SitStayFetch: Secrets To Dog Training.
These bonuses include:
- "SitStayFetch Audio Book"
Listen to SitStayFetch on your MP3 player and correct your dog's behavior anytime, anywhere! - "A Quick Guide To Dog Aggression"
Discover how to identify and resolve dog aggression problems, especially if your dog is acting aggressively towards children, strangers or other dogs. - "Dog Grooming Made Easy"
Learn the essential tips and best approach to groom your dog! - "Tips On How To Security Train Your Dog"
Learn the preconditioning and steps needed to train a professional guard dog! - "All The House Training Methods And Tricks"
Learn 10 helpful tips and tricks to make housetraining a success! - "Secrets To Becoming The Alpha Dog"
Vitally important to know if you are looking to solve your dog's behavior problems!
... and the SEVENTH BONUS -- Free Unlimited Online Email Consultation to dog owners who may have specific problems or concerns to address. This is particularly useful if you are having difficulty with a command or have a particular dog problem that you are struggling with, or even a unique problem that is not covered in this comprehensive book package.
Click Here To Learn How You Can Solve Your Dog's Behavior Problems Today!
SitStayFetch : Secrets To Dog Training is highly recommended if you have a dog of any age or breed that you want to train successfully. The information given is so simple to comprehend and apply, many people have actually reported achieving extremely fast results with this dog training guide.
Hear what some dog owners have to say about SitStayFetch : Secrets To Dog Training:
"I thought I would let you know that your advice has worked brilliantly! We used technique 1 and we also went back to basics as outlined in your book, as well employing tactics outlined in the Alpha dog (bonus book). I am pleased to say that I have regained control and authority and she now promptly obeys commands. What a difference it has made. Your book is brilliant and is certainly worth every penny."
-- Dave and Jan Hepden, Great Britain
-- Dave and Jan Hepden, Great Britain
"...I am enjoying it very much. I have a 5 and a half month old lab pup and everything is going great with him. Your advice has been used to great affect with him. I would like to thank you..."
-- George Milne, USA
-- George Milne, USA
"Your tricks really work amazingly well. I have a 110 pound dog called "Russell" which used to steal food from under the table, and then viciously bite and bark loudly if I tried to remove it. However after using your techniques, my dog will now submit and let me take ANYTHING from out of his mouth! I'm convinced that you are one of the best dog experts around!"
-- Jessica Martinez, San Francisco, CA
-- Jessica Martinez, San Francisco, CA
"Very informative book written in a simple readable format. Worked a treat with my new Boxer and I would recommend this book to anyone looking to train their dog."
-- George Crosby, Foreign Exchange Dealer, Wellington, New Zealand
-- George Crosby, Foreign Exchange Dealer, Wellington, New Zealand
"Its only been a couple of days but I can see the difference in our dogs already through the training methods you outlined!..."
-- Amer Wild, Texas, USA
-- Amer Wild, Texas, USA
"Thanks for your time and effort. We may have solved the problem, although it's only been a day and a half. She is acting like her old self, more playful and carefree. She has also responded to our training sessions much better also. Thanks again for your time."
-- John Wood, Texas, USA
-- John Wood, Texas, USA
"Thank you very much for your response of July, 8th to my question. Let me first say thank you for your book. It's the first and only dog book I've read that makes sense and is understandable. Secondly, your letter was great help... ...My feeling is he was trying to be the dominate one. Since starting on the items in the book and and using your suggestions in your letter, he is getting much better. I find it interesting that such subtle things such as who eats first and who goes through the door first would have such an effect. Thanks for all of your help."
-- Ray Williams, Oregon, USA
-- Ray Williams, Oregon, USA
SitStayFetch : Secrets To Dog Training is indeed the best dog training book and also one of the most comprehensive dog books available on the market.
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