Whether or not crate training dogs has crossed your radar as an option it is one of the most important first decisions new dog owners face. There are many benefits to dog crate training and when done properly a crate becomes a safe and comforting place for your dog.
Why crate train your dog?
Using a crate as a modern dog den, your dog’s natural instincts will ensure they keep their crate clean and dry. So you’re not only providing a safe and comforting place for your dog to rest you are using the den to help with House Training A Puppy.
Crate Training Helps Eliminate Destructive Behavior
While some breeds are definitely more nervous, and therefore potentially destructive, than others, a crate offers a sense of security for your dog. Instead of acting out when they feel anxious they can retreat to their ‘den’ and seek calm.
Dog Crate Training Provides a Routine
When you crate train a dog, you’re going to inadvertently provide a structure and schedule. For example your dog will sleep in the crate at night and when you’re away from home. Chances are you go to sleep, wake and go to work at approximately the same time every day.
You already have a schedule. When you impose a schedule on your dog it will help them know what to expect.
In order for crate training to be successful you will need to make sure you take several decisions under consideration. Let’s take a look at some of the decisions you need to make before you begin crate training your dog.
What kind of crate is best?
Crates come in every size, shape, material, and color. Before purchasing a crate consider the size of your dog and how the crate will be used. For example if you travel a lot then you may want a light weight portable crate. If you have a large dog and will be gone during the day you may want to look into a larger and more permanent fixture.
Your dog's crate should be just large enough for him to stand up and turn around in. If it is too big, it won’t feel comfortable for him; dogs prefer cozy dens in the wild. If you’re buying a crate for a new puppy, choose a crate size that will fit him when he’s an adult and block off the excess crate space so he is unable to eliminate at the back and sleep in the front.
Where to put your crate is the next important decision. Dogs are social creatures and will want to be where the family spends their time. Some dog owners like to keep two crates, one for their main living space and one in their bedrooms.
How to Make Crate Training a Success
You have the perfect crate and you have the perfect dog, now what?
Depending on the age of your dog you’ll have to time your crate use strategically. Young puppies simply cannot hold their bladder Puppies less than 12 weeks need to go outside every hour or two. Once they’re older than 12 weeks they are able to hold their bladder however not for very long. Like any other dog training issue some judgment calls need to be made to decide how much time is too much for your dog to be in his crate.
Additionally older dogs may have bladder control issues. Plan your crating based on your puppies needs. Remember that if you crate them for too long they’ll be forced to go in their crate and that type of accident can really knock training off track. Not to mention it makes them unhappy to be forced to sleep in a messy crate. Crate training an older dog requires a few minor twists.
Don’t use the crate for punishment. Your dog’s crate is supposed to be a safe and happy place. It is the location he sleeps in. It is where he goes when you’re not home. It is his sanctuary. If you use his sanctuary as punishment, then it loses its value. It is no longer a safe place and being confined there will breed resentment and unwanted and destructive behaviors.
Crate Training Separation Anxiety
Make the crate a positive experience. The first few times you crate your dog they will undoubtedly create a noisy ruckus. They’ll cry, bark, whine and let you know they are miserable. Have patience and faith, crate training your dog is the right decision. Your dog will in very short time become comfortable with their crate. To quicken the process reward your dog for going into their crate. Give them a ‘good dog’ and a food treat. Eventually they’ll go into the crate voluntarily. If the crate training separation anxiety persists read this.
Remember to take your dog outside as soon as you let them out of their cage. This is incredibly important especially if you're working on dog potty training. Create a routine. Let them out of their cage, take them to their potty place, give them a verbal cue like “go potty” and reward them when they’ve accomplished the task.
Crate training Dogs offers enormous benefits. It provides them a sense of security and stability and it makes the house training process significantly easier. Who doesn’t want fewer accidents? Of course you do. Dog Crate Training is a sure bet if you want to get the best results.
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